Metropol Palace Hotel, Belgrade

18th-22nd November 2024


DSC Europe content

DSC Europe 24 is the leading conference focused on AI & Data Science. It brings together over 3000 most influential and knowledgeable experts and professionals for a 5 day event full of discussions, networking and business opportunities. Over 100 AI & Data topics will be addressed by 500 greatest minds in the field.

Data & AI talks will include topics such as Generative AI, NLP, Computer Vision & Robotics, Data Engineering and many more. DSC:X is a stage dedicated to the decision makers and they will be able to listen to talks and panels about building Data & AI teams, developing Data & AI products, Data in Cloud and many more.

We are hosting co-located events each dedicated to a specific industry and their unique requirements: Cryptica (Computational finance & AI in Blockchain), Pandora (AI & Data in Gaming), DigiHealth (AI in Health, Pharma and Life Sciences), AI:CSI (AI in Cybersecurity and Cyberintelligence), AIcommerce (AI in retail, eCommerce & logistics), NeroAICon (AI for Neuroscience & Biotech), GAID (Guiding a better tomorrow with AI). In addition, breakout sessions will be cover in an interactive way specific topics such as AI-driven marketing, Prompt Engineering, Autonomous Driving,..

Our goal is to provide our attendees with valuable insights into latest trends regarding the rapidly growing industry of AI and Data Science.

Greatest minds
Hours of HQ content
AI & Data topics covered
0 +
0 +


This conference is not limited to only data scientists or those directly involved in AI. The conference is designed for a diverse range of professions and individuals who are interested in or work with AI and data-related fields. Here are some of the key individuals who should attend:

  • Data Scientists, Data Analysts, and AI Specialists:

    If you work directly in the field of data science or AI, this conference is a must-attend to stay updated on the latest trends and advancements.

  • Team Leads and Managers:

    Whether you lead a data science team or are responsible for managing AI and ML projects, DSC Europe provides valuable insights and strategies to enhance your leadership skills and drive successful projects.

  • Executive and C-Level Professionals:

    Executives can also greatly benefit from attending the conference. You will gain a deeper understanding of how AI and Data Science can impact your industry and drive business success. You will meet other c-level professionals, innovators, investors as well as potential future employees.

  • Government, Researchers, and Academia Officials:

    This conference provides an opportunity for government officials, researchers, and academic professionals to learn about the latest advancements in AI and data science and explore potential collaborations.

Hours of content in previous 5 years
Previous partners & supporters
In-person attendees at our last event
Data lovers reached in 2023 all over the world
0 M+

DSC Europe 24 Preliminary Schedule


“Elevate your career & knowledge”

During 2 virtual days of the event, we are going organize over 60 tech tutorials for our attendees. Tech tutorials are hands-on workshops that dive into technical topics such as library demonstration, tool showcase or even career paths.

Every attendee of DSC Europe 24 will have a possibility to listen to multiple Tech Tutorials.


“Top Voices & Experts in AI + Data”

During 3 live days of the event, in 3 parallel session you will get a chance to listen to
12 worldwide keynotes, who are reshaping the world of AI & over 150 speakers on 18 AI & Data topics.

DSC Europe is the perfect place where you may find “all-in-one” access – covering the topics
that professionals, business & academia is interested in.


“Embrace AI in your Business”

DSC : X is newly created service dedicated for executives, decision makers & team/tech leads. We have created specially crafted program with 6 tracks over 3 days, which will help you & your company to unlock the full power of the AI Technology.

If you would like to see how industry and you peers have adopted AI – DSC:X at DSC Europe is the place to be.


“AI applications in specific industries”

Some industries have a strong niche, and because of this – people who are involved with AI & Data don’t recognize themselves as “per se” part of the joint ecosystem. Through joined efforts with a recognizable industry organization, we have created an additional
“AI-domain” value for the conference attendees.

We have created a co-located events that focus on a specific domain.This year we will have 7 Co-located events.


“Learn about Latest trends”

Breakout sessions are specially designed sessions for up to 40 people from the field. The program is 1.5h-2.5h long and is focused on a certain topic.

For example, AI in Marketing, Autonomous Driving, Prompt Engineering, NLP for Regional Languages and many more exciting topics will be covered during these interactive sessions. This is the perfect opportunity to connect with the professionals who are involved and developing new ideas in the domain.


“Collaborate, Code, Create”

Attendees will be able to collaboratively develop AI projects in real-time.

Guided by expert mentors, you will have the opportunity to enhance your coding skills and contribute to innovative solutions. These sessions are designed to foster teamwork, creativity and practical experience in AI development.